Tailout Brewing

Logo Design & Branding / Web Design & Development / Product Label Design

Castlegar's First Craft Brewery

The ambitious outdoorsmen from Tailout Brewing approached us when all they had in their possession were high hopes and distant dreams. A name & location change, countless hours of hard work, and dozens of tasty beers later, and it’s safe to say those hopes and dreams have been realized and then some! It’s been an absolute privilege to be a part of their journey, keep scrolling to come along for the ride.

Building a Brand From The Riverbed Up

All of Tailout Brewing’s fine young founders have a few things in common; a mutual love of well crafted beer and everything outdoors. It was our job to play off of these passions and put together a brand identity that would help breathe wild, untamed life into their new (ad)venture.

With fly fishing being one of their favourite collective pastimes, and the name of the brewery being derived from the specific part of a river known to be a fishing hotspot, a theme emerged that was too glaringly obvious to pass up, and before long, a visual identity emerged from the murky depths into crystal clear waters and was unleashed into the wilderness of the world wide web. 

Unique Labels Designed To Reel People In

With the business coming to life amidst a veritable explosion of micro breweries across Western Canada, the ability to stand out in the overcrowded beer cooler is an absolute must. With a uniquely themed brand identity firmly in place, the next step was venturing out into the world of packaging & product label design.

Craft beer connoisseurs are always on the lookout for something fresh, new, and exciting, and with this in mind we set out to create eye-catching and consistently on-brand labels to reel people in… hook, line and sinker!

Tailout Brewing Sundown Blood Orange Hazy IPA Label Design

A Delicious Dream Project

Not only was this project the whole meal deal, giving us the opportunity to create everything from the logo & brand identity to the website & product label design, but our senior web & graphic designer Nathan also happens to be a huge craft beer nerd, so having the opportunity to take the lead on this project and run with it has been nothing short of a dream come true, and a delicious one at that!

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Matthew Bennett

Graphic Designer & Animator

Hi I’m Matthew Bennett, a young graphic designer with a passion for digital art and animation. I love helping people take the ideas they have in their head and using my design knowledge to bring them to life. Outside of work I am a pretty easy-going guy who likes sleeping, drawing, and eating cheap wings by myself at the local bar.

Fun Fact About Me

I love martial arts animation

David Smith

Web & Graphic Designer

Hi my name is David, I originate from across the pond in the Mighty UK. When I’m not tapping away on a keyboard and staring into pixels, I like to work with my hands and butcher some wood, have a glass eye for amazing landscapes, wrestle with my rambunctious boys at home & occasionally mix it up on the Wheels of Steel. I love the constraints of design & thrive providing solutions to all kinds of problems, so challenge me… I dare you!

Fun Fact About Me

I met the queen, she is very small.

Nathan Labrecque

Senior Web & Graphic Designer

Hey I’m Nathan, a graduate from MacEwan University’s Design & Digital Media Program with a passion for all forms of creative expression. Visual harmony invigorates me as much as its musical counterpart, and nothing floats my boat quite like a functional, intuitive, and tastefully designed digital experience… although cheesy catch-phrases and alliteration do come frighteningly close. When I’m not bending a plethora of pixels to my will, you’ll be sure to find me playing or listening to music, spending time with my wife & son, and sampling a tasty craft brew or two.

Fun Fact About Me

I spent a year living in Hollywood, California to attend music school for drum performance, and if given the chance, I WILL talk your ear off about obscure progressive rock & metal bands.

Clark Park


As an obtainer of rare antiquities, I am enthusiastic about anything made in the ‘30s – ‘40s. When not in the office designing and coding for various projects, I can be found in remote jungles or lost cities looking for valuable treasures. In my down time, you just might spot me hovering around Edmonton fighting crime.

Fun Fact About Me

I worked as an illustrator for The Simpsons in South Korea before moving to Canada.

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M-F 8:30am to 5:00pm

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